
Furigana in SwiftUI (2)

This is part 2. The previous episode is here.

To quickly recap: We want to layout text that looks like this:

Hello aka Konnichi wa aka 今日は aka こんにちは
こんにち is furigana that tells readers how to pronounce 今日

When I began looking into implementation options, all roads seemed to be leading toward an AttributedString in a UILabel. There are a variety of descriptions of CoreText support for something called Ruby Text. There is also a mark down schemes for expressing Ruby text and sample code showing how to tickle the belly of CoreText to layout furigana text. I was not able to get any CoreText furigana working and there are likely two reasons for this:

  1. There are reports (not substantiated by me) that Apple removed Ruby Text support from Core Text. This seems like an odd thing, but definitely plausible
  2. I really wanted to do something that was SwiftUI-ish (SwiftUI-y?)

It’s quite possible that if I’d kept hammering away at CoreText I’d have got it to work. My official excuse is my heart wasn’t in it.

To implement this in SwiftUI my first approach included:

  1. a markdown scheme, eg “おはよおはよざいます。<<今日((こんいち))>>は。”
  2. code to convert markdown strings (like the one above) into an array of model objects
    struct TextModel {
    let mainText: String
    let furiGana: String
  3. UI code that takes in an array of TextModels and displays them in collection of VStacks in an HStack
struct TextCollection: View {
    let textElements: [TextModel]
    init(markdown: String) {
        self.textElements = markdown.convertedToElements
    var body: some View {
        HStack() {
            ForEach(textElements) { element in
                VStack() {

The result looks like this:

Not yet perfect, but a great start!

In the next part, I’ll discuss my journey to figure out how to size the furigana as a function of the size of the main text. Stay tuned!


Furigana in SwiftUI

I have been thinking about implementing Furigana in my Flash Cards App for a while now. Until recently it has definitely not been high priority. But I am in the process of adding some Japanese vocab where I’m using kanji. So far I’ve only been adding the really basic characters, but still… In order to have this app be accessible to all users, adding furigana support has recently become more important.

What the heck is Furigana?!

Written Japanese uses four different types of characters. They are:

  1. Kanji – These are pictograms where each character represents an idea and can have multiple pronunciations. For example, 月 is the character used to express month, and moon. Sometimes it will be pronounced getsu, other times tsuki etc. It can be combined with other characters in longer ‘words’. 月曜日 means Monday. I find it quite interesting that the Japanese word for Monday literally translates to Moon Day. There are thought to be over 50,000 unique Kanji. To be considered vaguely literate, the consensus suggests you need to know how to read and write 1,500 to 2,000 Kanji characters. Yikes!
  2. Hiragana – This is the most common Japanese alphabet. It is comprised of approximately 50 characters all representing specific sounds. Each hiragana character represents a single pronunciation. Also the sound of each character is also its name. For example KA (か) is always pronounced ‘ka.’ This might be a mind blowing concept to speakers of English (Looking at you W) Young kids start reading and writing hiragana. Over time they use more Kanji (see above) Where a beginning Japanese student might write: くうこうにいきます (kuukou ni ikimasu) an adult would more likely write: 空港に行きます. Both of these mean ‘I am going to the airport’ but the first text is all hiragana while the second is a combination of kanji and hiragana
  3. Katakana – This is an alphabet, similar to hiragana, but only used for words that have been introduced to Japanese: ピアノ (Piano), カラオケ (Karaoke, an interesting word in many ways), ホテル (Hotel)
  4. Romaji – Yet another alphabet that uses the English/western alphabet to express the same sounds available with Hiragana and Katakana. For example SA (romaji) is pronounced the same as さ (hiragana) is pronounced the same as サ (katakana) I think Romaji is primarily used for creating content aimed at non-Japanese speakers (eg maps). However it is also common to see ads aimed at Japanese speakers use romaji, cuz in some circles in Japan, Western/English stuff is seen as ‘cool.’

Great, but I thought this was about furigana…

It is! Furigana is hiragana written above or beside kanji to let readers know how it should be pronounced. (Remember there are thought to be over 50,000 kanji characters and they frequently have multiple context-dependent pronunciations. As a rule of thumb, the more common the kanji the greater the number of different ways it can be pronounced.)

Here is a simple example of furigana

Hello aka Konnichi wa aka 今日は aka こんにちは
こんにち is furigana that tells readers how to pronounce 今日

One other point that bears mentioning is that Japanese can be written in rows (left to right, top to bottom) or in columns (top to bottom, right to left). I’m currently under the impression that SwiftUI only supports the row-based text layout. For the moment, I’m going to focus on row-based layout and ignore column-based layout.

If you want to learn more about what I’ve described here, you could do worse than going to Wikipedia.

The next post will jump into the SwiftUI implementation.


A Situation Where It Makes Sense to Have Two Sources of Truth?

Don’t be fooled by the title. Writing code where a given value is stored in two different ways (in two different places) feels wrong to me too. But at the moment, it feels like solving my current problem with a single source of truth would result in more complex code.

Background; What am I trying to do?

In my ZoomBurst photo editing extension, currently the zooming and rotation effects use the centre of the image rect as the centre of the effect. For quite some time, I’ve been curious about what it would take to add the ability to allow users to specify a centre point for the effects. (My currently thinking would be to let users specify a single point to use as the centre for both zoom and rotation. But never say never…)

How am I Trying to Do it?

In broad strokes, two things need to happen to add this feature.

  1. add UI to allow users to specify the custom centre point
  2. CoreImage filters need to be updated to support effectCenter not being the same as imageCenter

For the UI, I’m adding an overlay marker to the output image. Users can change the centre by dragging this marker around. In swiftUI marker position is updated using the .offset() function in View.

I defined a @State variable to store the offset. It will be (0,0) at the top left corner and (imageSize.width, imageSize.height) at the bottom right.

    @State var currentOffset: CGSize = .zero

    func marker(inside size: CGSize) -> some View {
        return Circle()
            .stroke(.black, lineWidth: 10)
            .stroke(.white, lineWidth: 6)
            .frame(width: Self.markerDimension)

So far so good. However the CoreImage code cannot use this because imageSize will be different for preview output vs final image output. So the CombineOptions structure needs to store the centre value using a UnitVector size (ie height and width will be in the range [0..1])

While it’s technically possible to rely on the unitVector size value in CombineOptions, this would create the need for quite a bit of translating between [0..1] and [0..imageSize] First there is the value passed to the offset function. But there is also a surprising amount of logic to prevent users from dragging the marker off the side of the preview image.

     .onChanged { gesture in
         let proposedOffset = gesture.translation + baseOffset
         currentOffset = proposedOffset.validSize(using: markerRect)

    func validSize(using rect: CGRect) -> CGSize {
        if rect.contains(self.asPoint) {
            return self
        var result: CGSize = self
        if self.width < 0 {
            result.width = 0
        } else if self.width > rect.width {
            result.width = rect.width
        if self.height < 0 {
            result.height = 0
        } else if self.height > rect.height {
            result.height = rect.height
        return result

Should users be able to drag the marker so that it half off the preview image? (ie the centre is right on the image edge?) Or will they be ok only dragging the marker to the point where it is still entirely overtop of the preview image. All of this code requires adding and subtracting half the width of the marker view in a surprising number of places. The code to do this is much easier to understand if it all takes place in the [0..imageSize] domain, rather than the [0..1] domain.

I’m not saying the more complex thing couldn’t be done. But I was imagining somebody coming into this code 6 months or 6 years from now. I feared that the brain power to understand the code jumping between the two domains would beg the question… ‘why is this jumping back and forth between [0..imageSize] and [0..1] so much?’

In order to minimize the chance of the two values getting out of sync I created a single place in the code where one value gets changed, and it updates the [0..1] value. Come to think of it, this would be a good excuse to add a Psst comment explaining this conundrum to future me or anyone else that happens to have the good fortune to be reading this code in the future. Maybe even link to this post.

Another thought I’ve just had (and don’t think I have enough functioning neurons this late at night to properly tackle) is how would something like this fly in an environment where others are reviewing my code. I feel like there would be a (justifiable) tendency among reviewers to be skeptical of my decision to use two sources of truth. I also suspect my attempts to defend it would be more qualitative than quantitative. And I’m not entirely sure how it would be resolved. I’d like to think it would be more than just a battle of wills because I’m not a fan of battles of wills.