

I recently read Kleptopia by Tom Burgis. While being primarily about the corruption of the financial elite in Kazakhstan, it reached into Africa, London, Moscow, and ever so briefly into the United States including a surprisingly tiny Trump cameo appearance.

I was left with the impression that the safeguards in the financial world, to detect ill-gotten capital and prevent it from gaining legitimacy, are completely ineffective. Further any time a motivated crusader tries to provide effective oversight into corrupt practices, they are very quickly fired, or worse.

When I started reading this book, I wasn’t aware it was so focussed on Kazakhstan. It is a country I know very little about, however it has always been my metaphorical place I could go with my bike and just hide from the world. I’m not yet sure if learning about the corruption of its leaders has removed some of the shine this country has had for me.

Perhaps money can not buy happiness, but if you’re an oligarch, it appears to be able to buy pretty well everything else.

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