
Furigana in SwiftUI (3)

This is part 3. The previous episode is here.

To quickly recap, we want to layout text that looks like this:

Hello aka Konnichi wa aka 今日は aka こんにちは
こんにち is furigana that tells readers how to pronounce 今日

By putting VStacks in an HStack, we’ve been able to create this:

At this point, I see two possible next steps:

  1. what happens when there’s more text than can fit on one line?
  2. the furigana is SO BIG! (or is the main text to small?)

I held a vote and decided to start with issue #2, fix the sizing. The ten years ago version of me would have been more than happy to do something like:

    let furiGanaSize: CGFloat = 10
    let mainTextSize: CGFloat = 24
    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .center){
               .font(.system(size: furiGanaSize))
               .font(.system(size: mainTextSize))

Define default size values that users can over ride. While this would work, it didn’t feel like the most intuitive way to let users specify the size of their text. It would also prevent use of Dynamic Type sizes, eg .font(.body)

What I really want is:

  1. Let users specify the font and size of the main text using all the usual existing SwiftUI font specification approaches
  2. measure the height of main text (mainTextHeight)
  3. use mainTextHeight to compute a desired height for the furigana text
    let furiganaHeight = mainTextHeight * 0.5


That was my naive first thought. Do something like:

VStack() {
     .font(.system(size: furiganaSize))
    GeometryReader() { proxy in
         .preference(key: ViewSizeKey.self, value: proxy.size)
         .onPreferenceChange(ViewSizeKey.self) {
           furiganaSize = $0.height * 0.4

Sadly that gets a nope. GeometryReader‘s greediness means all the elements get as wide and tall as possible. I’m still not clear on why GeometryReader needs to be so greedy. Why not just take the rect that the contents say they need? Fool me once GeometryReader, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Layout Container?

Hell yes. I have had many positive experiences creating containers that conform to Layout. How did it do with my furigana requirements? It did exactly what I needed. sizeThatFits does the following:

  1. determine the required size for the mainText
  2. pass the mainText height into a Binding<CGFloat>
  3. determine the size for the furigana text
  4. calculate the total height (mainTextHeight + furiganaHeight + spacing)
  5. calculate the width (max(mainTextWidth, furiganaWidth))
    func sizeThatFits(proposal: ProposedViewSize, subviews: Subviews, cache: inout ()) -> CGSize {
        guard subviews.count == 2 else {
            return .zero
        let furiganaSize = subviews[0].sizeThatFits(.unspecified)
        let bodySize = subviews[1].sizeThatFits(.unspecified)
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            bodyHeight = bodySize.height
        let spacing = subviews[0].spacing.distance(to: subviews[1].spacing, along: .vertical)
        let height = furiganaSize.height + bodySize.height + spacing
        let width = max(furiganaSize.width, bodySize.width)
        return .init(width: width, height: height)

placeSubviews performs similar steps:

  1. determine (again) the sizes for the furigana text and the main text
  2. create size proposals (one for furigana text, the other for the main text)
  3. place the furigana text above the main text, using the size proposals created in the previous step
    func placeSubviews(in bounds: CGRect, proposal: ProposedViewSize, subviews: Subviews, cache: inout ()) {
        guard subviews.count == 2 else {
        let furiganaSize = subviews[0].sizeThatFits(.unspecified)
        let bodySize = subviews[1].sizeThatFits(.unspecified)
        let spacing = subviews[0].spacing.distance(to: subviews[1].spacing, along: .vertical)
        let furiganaSizeProposal = ProposedViewSize(furiganaSize)
        let mainTextSizeProposal = ProposedViewSize(bodySize)
        var y = bounds.minY + furiganaSize.height / 2
        subviews[0].place(at: .init(x: bounds.midX, y: y), anchor: .center, proposal: furiganaSizeProposal)
        y += furiganaSize.height / 2 + spacing + bodySize.height / 2
        subviews[1].place(at: .init(x: bounds.midX, y: y), anchor: .center, proposal: mainTextSizeProposal)

FuriganaContainer contains a single element of the text to display. Its code is shown below.

struct TextElement: View {
    let textModel: TextWithFuriGana
    @State var bodyHeight: CGFloat = 0
    var body: some View {
        FuriganaContainer(bodyHeight: $bodyHeight) {
                .font(.system(size: bodyHeight * 0.5))

The parent function looks something like this

struct TextArray: View {
    let fullText: [TextWithFuriGana]

    var body: some View {
        HStack(alignment: .bottom, spacing: 0) {
            ForEach(fullText) { text in
                    TextElement(textModel: text)

TextArray gets instantiated something like this

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            TextArray(fullText: TextWithFuriGana.testArray)

One topic that hasn’t been discussed but feels less interesting is the code that determines/creates the furigana text. This ended up being an interesting and challenging task that I’ll discuss in my next post.

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