
SwiftUI AppStorage wrinkles

The SwiftUI property wrapper AppStorage is a great way to cut down on boiler plate code needed to manage/access UserDefaults. At the risk of sounding like I’m looking a gift horse in the mouth, I feel compelled to describe a couple of challenges I encountered while using AppStorage in my current project, the language flash cards app.

AppStorage for enums with associated values

The type I wanted to persist using AppStorage was a fairly gnarly enum with a variety of associated values. It is the value that persists the users preferences for languages to use for asking and answering. See this blog post for more details on how this enum came to be.

enum LanguageChoice: Equatable, Codable {
    case all
    case oneToOne(Language, Language)
    case oneToAll(Language)
    case allToOne(Language)
    case symmetricSubset(Set<Language>)

Out of the box, AppStorage only works with the most basic of types. (Int, String, Bool, etc.) There are several great resources on how to extend AppStorage support to basic structs. If you google “AppStorage RawRepresentable” you’ll be away to the races in no time. The tl;dr version is: implement
public init?(rawValue: String)
public var rawValue: String

My first inclination was to use JSONDecoder() in init and JSONEncoder() in rawValue. Unfortunately JSONEncoder() was calling rawValue, which was calling JSONEncoder() etc.

So instead I defined a custom scheme to encode (and decode) the LanguageChoice enum. This required a fair bit of custom code (see below) and allowed LanguageChoice to work with @AppStorage. But I wasn’t out of the woods yet. There was still more work to be done, which I’ll describe in a future post.

Here is how I chose to conform to RawRepresentable.

    public init?(rawValue: String) {
        let components = rawValue.components(separatedBy: ":")
        guard let first = components.first else {
            return nil
        switch first {
        case "all":
            self = .all
        case "oneToOne":
            guard components.indices.contains(2),
                  let lang1 = Language.init(rawValue: components[1]),
                  let lang2 = Language.init(rawValue: components[2]) else {
                return nil
            self = .oneToOne(lang1, lang2)
        case "oneToAll":
            guard components.indices.contains(1),
                  let lang = Language.init(rawValue: components[1]) else {
                return nil
            self = .oneToAll(lang)
        case "allToOne":
            guard components.indices.contains(1),
                  let lang = Language.init(rawValue: components[1]) else {
                return nil
            self = .allToOne(lang)
        case "symmetricSubset":
            guard components.indices.contains(1) else {
                return nil
            let languageComponents = components[1].components(separatedBy: ",")
            let languages: Set<Language> = Set(languageComponents.compactMap { Language(rawValue: $0) } )
            self = .symmetricSubset(languages)
            return nil

    public var rawValue: String {
        let data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(self)
        print("data: \(data)")
        let result: String
        switch self {
        case .all:
            result = "all"
        case .oneToOne(let language, let language2):
            result = "oneToOne:\(language.rawValue):\(language2.rawValue)"
        case .oneToAll(let language):
            result = "oneToAll:\(language.rawValue)"
        case .allToOne(let language):
            result = "allToOne:\(language.rawValue)"
        case .symmetricSubset(let set):
            let setRawValue = set.sorted().reduce("") {
                $0 + $1.rawValue + ","
            result = "symmetricSubset:\(setRawValue)"
        return result

Unit tests for this code have been left as an exercise for the student.

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