
Eagle Haiku

Proud eagle standing
On its razor sharp talons
Holding a seagull

Ginko leaves fall
And flutter in a wind storm
Look like little finches


Haiku Reboot

Going to restart
My effort to write haiku
again. wish me luck.

I will publish them
As I write them. Generate
momentum I hope.

The above don’t count.
No references to nature
Same problem here. Tree.

Beautiful red birds
Their plumage looks like horse blood
Even in the shade

The leaves are falling
mostly in wet goopy piles
In the gutter. Ugh.

October was wet.
Many dark and rainy days
Occasional sun.



Thursday (June 17th)

Haven’t been super.
Writing one every day is
hard for me. Learning.

Haiku is easy.
Making time is harder.
Open to suggestions.

Rosemary Rocksalt makes
delicious bagels. Poppy,
sesame are yummy.


Seem to be slipping
I missed three days. Must get
back into my groove

Dogs were here for a
Few days. Piper and Cooper
They were a handful!

Got my Moderna
On Sunday. My arm is sore.
Otherwise ok


Heat wave is coming
Temperature is climbing
Stay cool and stay safe


Haiku (June 15th)

I thought I’d try a suggestion from Gretchen Rubin. Write a Haiku everyday. I’m planning on publishing this approximately every seven days.

Wednesday (9 june)

Sunshine on my face
Mostly feels good but maybe
Less warm is better

Yummy peas growing
On very tippy lattice
Taste so crunchy good

Lovely irises
Translucent purple from
The sun shining through

I feel a fly that
Is walking among leg hairs
Not gonna smack him


I see evil faces
In the reflected water
Upon the table

Stanley Park Seawall
Has become my happy place
Beautiful, tranquil

Start with five syllables
Next a line of seven more
Then the final five

Little ants walking
Relentlessly up the chair.
Where are they going?

Stuck on a puzzle
A sudoku idea
Eureka, it’s done!


When the rain begins
For a while, it’s dry under
trees. Then drip drop drip.

Pure Bread Bakery
Has so many yummy treats.
Ooey-Gooey bar!


I’m on the couch now
But I had an active day
Such defensiveness!