
Furigana in SwiftUI (4)

This is part 4. The previous episode is here.

To quickly recap, we are now able to layout text that looks like this:

Hello aka Konnichi wa aka 今日は aka こんにちは
こんにち is furigana that tells readers how to pronounce 今日

We accomplish this by passing an array of (mainText, furigana) pairs into our container view.

But how can we generate this array? For each entry in our strings files we typically have a romaji version and a kana/kanji version. For example “To go” has a romaji version: “iku” and a kana/kanji version: “行く”

I ended up building a two step process:

  1. convert the romaji to hiragana
  2. ‘line up’ the hiragana only string with the kana/kanji string, and infer which hiragana represented the kanji

Aside: I originally imagined a markdown scheme to represent which furigana would decorate which text. Something like this: [[今日((こんいち))]][[は]]

I eventually realized this markdown format wasn’t adding any value, so instead I can generate the (hiragana, kana/kanji) pairs directly from the inputs from the strings files.

Romaji to Hiragana

In an acronym, TDD. Test driven design was essential to accomplishing this conversion. One of the bigger challenges here is the fact that there is some ambiguity in converting from romaji to hiragana. Ō can mean おお or おう. Ji can mean じ or ぢ. Is tenin てにん or てんいん?

I started using the following process:

  1. start with the last character, and iterate through to the first
  2. at each character, prepend it to and previously unused characters
  3. determine if this updated string of characters mapped to a valid hiragana
  4. if not, assume the previous string of characters did map to a valid hiragana and add it to the final result
  5. remove the used characters from the string of unused characters
  6. go to step 2 and grab the ‘next’ character

Consider the following example: ikimasu

  1. does u have a hiragana equivalent? yup: う
  2. grab another character, s. does su have a hiragana? yup: す
  3. grab another character, a. does asu have a hiragana? nope
  4. add すto our result string, and remove su from our working value
  5. does a have a hiragana? yup: あ
  6. grab the next romaji character, m. does ma have a hiragana? yup: ま
  7. etc.

There were other wrinkles that came up right away. They included

  • how to handle digraphs like kya, sho, chu (きゃ, しょ, ちゅ)
  • handling longer consonants like the double k in kekkon with っ

Handling these wrinkles often forced me to refactor my algorithm. But thanks to my ever growing collection of TDD test cases, I could instantly see if my courageous changes broke something. I was able to refactor mercilessly which was very freeing.

Writing this, I pictured a different algorithm where step 1 is breaking a string into substrings where each substring ends in a vowel. Then each substring could probably be converted directly using my romaji -> hiragana dictionary. This might be easier to read and maintain. Hmm..

Furigana-ify my text

This felt like one of those tasks that is easy for humans to do visually, but hard to solve with a program.

When we see:


みせ に  い きます

店 に  行 きます

humans are pretty good at identifying which chunks of hiragana represent the kanji below. In the happy path, it’s fairly easy to iterate through the two strings and generate the (furigana, mainText pairs)

But sadly my input data was not free of errors. There were cases where my furigana didn’t match my romaji. Also some strings included information in brackets. eg. some languages have masculine and feminine versions of adjectives. So if a user was going from Japanese to Croatian, the Japanese string would need to include gender. so the romaji might look be Takai (M) and the kana/kanji version would be 高い (男).

Sometimes this meant cleaning up the input data. Sometimes it meant tweaking the romaji to hiragana conversion. Sometimes it meant tweaking the furigana generation process. In all cases thanks to my TDD mindset, it meant creating at least one new test case. I loved the fact that I was able to refactor mercilessly and be confident I was creating any regressions.

This post has been more hand wavy than showing specific code examples, but I did come across one code thing I want to share here.

extension Character {
    var isKanji: Bool {
    // HOW???

For better or worse, the answer required some unicode kookiness…

extension Character {
    var isKanji: Bool {
        let result = try? /\p{Script=Han}/.firstMatch(in: String(self))
        return result != nil

Implementing similar functionality in String is left as an exercise for the users.

Alternatively, isHiragana is a more contained problem to solve

    var isHiragana: Bool {

Furigana in SwiftUI (3)

This is part 3. The previous episode is here.

To quickly recap, we want to layout text that looks like this:

Hello aka Konnichi wa aka 今日は aka こんにちは
こんにち is furigana that tells readers how to pronounce 今日

By putting VStacks in an HStack, we’ve been able to create this:

At this point, I see two possible next steps:

  1. what happens when there’s more text than can fit on one line?
  2. the furigana is SO BIG! (or is the main text to small?)

I held a vote and decided to start with issue #2, fix the sizing. The ten years ago version of me would have been more than happy to do something like:

    let furiGanaSize: CGFloat = 10
    let mainTextSize: CGFloat = 24
    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .center){
               .font(.system(size: furiGanaSize))
               .font(.system(size: mainTextSize))

Define default size values that users can over ride. While this would work, it didn’t feel like the most intuitive way to let users specify the size of their text. It would also prevent use of Dynamic Type sizes, eg .font(.body)

What I really want is:

  1. Let users specify the font and size of the main text using all the usual existing SwiftUI font specification approaches
  2. measure the height of main text (mainTextHeight)
  3. use mainTextHeight to compute a desired height for the furigana text
    let furiganaHeight = mainTextHeight * 0.5


That was my naive first thought. Do something like:

VStack() {
     .font(.system(size: furiganaSize))
    GeometryReader() { proxy in
         .preference(key: ViewSizeKey.self, value: proxy.size)
         .onPreferenceChange(ViewSizeKey.self) {
           furiganaSize = $0.height * 0.4

Sadly that gets a nope. GeometryReader‘s greediness means all the elements get as wide and tall as possible. I’m still not clear on why GeometryReader needs to be so greedy. Why not just take the rect that the contents say they need? Fool me once GeometryReader, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Layout Container?

Hell yes. I have had many positive experiences creating containers that conform to Layout. How did it do with my furigana requirements? It did exactly what I needed. sizeThatFits does the following:

  1. determine the required size for the mainText
  2. pass the mainText height into a Binding<CGFloat>
  3. determine the size for the furigana text
  4. calculate the total height (mainTextHeight + furiganaHeight + spacing)
  5. calculate the width (max(mainTextWidth, furiganaWidth))
    func sizeThatFits(proposal: ProposedViewSize, subviews: Subviews, cache: inout ()) -> CGSize {
        guard subviews.count == 2 else {
            return .zero
        let furiganaSize = subviews[0].sizeThatFits(.unspecified)
        let bodySize = subviews[1].sizeThatFits(.unspecified)
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            bodyHeight = bodySize.height
        let spacing = subviews[0].spacing.distance(to: subviews[1].spacing, along: .vertical)
        let height = furiganaSize.height + bodySize.height + spacing
        let width = max(furiganaSize.width, bodySize.width)
        return .init(width: width, height: height)

placeSubviews performs similar steps:

  1. determine (again) the sizes for the furigana text and the main text
  2. create size proposals (one for furigana text, the other for the main text)
  3. place the furigana text above the main text, using the size proposals created in the previous step
    func placeSubviews(in bounds: CGRect, proposal: ProposedViewSize, subviews: Subviews, cache: inout ()) {
        guard subviews.count == 2 else {
        let furiganaSize = subviews[0].sizeThatFits(.unspecified)
        let bodySize = subviews[1].sizeThatFits(.unspecified)
        let spacing = subviews[0].spacing.distance(to: subviews[1].spacing, along: .vertical)
        let furiganaSizeProposal = ProposedViewSize(furiganaSize)
        let mainTextSizeProposal = ProposedViewSize(bodySize)
        var y = bounds.minY + furiganaSize.height / 2
        subviews[0].place(at: .init(x: bounds.midX, y: y), anchor: .center, proposal: furiganaSizeProposal)
        y += furiganaSize.height / 2 + spacing + bodySize.height / 2
        subviews[1].place(at: .init(x: bounds.midX, y: y), anchor: .center, proposal: mainTextSizeProposal)

FuriganaContainer contains a single element of the text to display. Its code is shown below.

struct TextElement: View {
    let textModel: TextWithFuriGana
    @State var bodyHeight: CGFloat = 0
    var body: some View {
        FuriganaContainer(bodyHeight: $bodyHeight) {
                .font(.system(size: bodyHeight * 0.5))

The parent function looks something like this

struct TextArray: View {
    let fullText: [TextWithFuriGana]

    var body: some View {
        HStack(alignment: .bottom, spacing: 0) {
            ForEach(fullText) { text in
                    TextElement(textModel: text)

TextArray gets instantiated something like this

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            TextArray(fullText: TextWithFuriGana.testArray)

One topic that hasn’t been discussed but feels less interesting is the code that determines/creates the furigana text. This ended up being an interesting and challenging task that I’ll discuss in my next post.


Furigana in SwiftUI (2)

This is part 2. The previous episode is here.

To quickly recap: We want to layout text that looks like this:

Hello aka Konnichi wa aka 今日は aka こんにちは
こんにち is furigana that tells readers how to pronounce 今日

When I began looking into implementation options, all roads seemed to be leading toward an AttributedString in a UILabel. There are a variety of descriptions of CoreText support for something called Ruby Text. There is also a mark down schemes for expressing Ruby text and sample code showing how to tickle the belly of CoreText to layout furigana text. I was not able to get any CoreText furigana working and there are likely two reasons for this:

  1. There are reports (not substantiated by me) that Apple removed Ruby Text support from Core Text. This seems like an odd thing, but definitely plausible
  2. I really wanted to do something that was SwiftUI-ish (SwiftUI-y?)

It’s quite possible that if I’d kept hammering away at CoreText I’d have got it to work. My official excuse is my heart wasn’t in it.

To implement this in SwiftUI my first approach included:

  1. a markdown scheme, eg “おはよおはよざいます。<<今日((こんいち))>>は。”
  2. code to convert markdown strings (like the one above) into an array of model objects
    struct TextModel {
    let mainText: String
    let furiGana: String
  3. UI code that takes in an array of TextModels and displays them in collection of VStacks in an HStack
struct TextCollection: View {
    let textElements: [TextModel]
    init(markdown: String) {
        self.textElements = markdown.convertedToElements
    var body: some View {
        HStack() {
            ForEach(textElements) { element in
                VStack() {

The result looks like this:

Not yet perfect, but a great start!

In the next part, I’ll discuss my journey to figure out how to size the furigana as a function of the size of the main text. Stay tuned!


Furigana in SwiftUI

I have been thinking about implementing Furigana in my Flash Cards App for a while now. Until recently it has definitely not been high priority. But I am in the process of adding some Japanese vocab where I’m using kanji. So far I’ve only been adding the really basic characters, but still… In order to have this app be accessible to all users, adding furigana support has recently become more important.

What the heck is Furigana?!

Written Japanese uses four different types of characters. They are:

  1. Kanji – These are pictograms where each character represents an idea and can have multiple pronunciations. For example, 月 is the character used to express month, and moon. Sometimes it will be pronounced getsu, other times tsuki etc. It can be combined with other characters in longer ‘words’. 月曜日 means Monday. I find it quite interesting that the Japanese word for Monday literally translates to Moon Day. There are thought to be over 50,000 unique Kanji. To be considered vaguely literate, the consensus suggests you need to know how to read and write 1,500 to 2,000 Kanji characters. Yikes!
  2. Hiragana – This is the most common Japanese alphabet. It is comprised of approximately 50 characters all representing specific sounds. Each hiragana character represents a single pronunciation. Also the sound of each character is also its name. For example KA (か) is always pronounced ‘ka.’ This might be a mind blowing concept to speakers of English (Looking at you W) Young kids start reading and writing hiragana. Over time they use more Kanji (see above) Where a beginning Japanese student might write: くうこうにいきます (kuukou ni ikimasu) an adult would more likely write: 空港に行きます. Both of these mean ‘I am going to the airport’ but the first text is all hiragana while the second is a combination of kanji and hiragana
  3. Katakana – This is an alphabet, similar to hiragana, but only used for words that have been introduced to Japanese: ピアノ (Piano), カラオケ (Karaoke, an interesting word in many ways), ホテル (Hotel)
  4. Romaji – Yet another alphabet that uses the English/western alphabet to express the same sounds available with Hiragana and Katakana. For example SA (romaji) is pronounced the same as さ (hiragana) is pronounced the same as サ (katakana) I think Romaji is primarily used for creating content aimed at non-Japanese speakers (eg maps). However it is also common to see ads aimed at Japanese speakers use romaji, cuz in some circles in Japan, Western/English stuff is seen as ‘cool.’

Great, but I thought this was about furigana…

It is! Furigana is hiragana written above or beside kanji to let readers know how it should be pronounced. (Remember there are thought to be over 50,000 kanji characters and they frequently have multiple context-dependent pronunciations. As a rule of thumb, the more common the kanji the greater the number of different ways it can be pronounced.)

Here is a simple example of furigana

Hello aka Konnichi wa aka 今日は aka こんにちは
こんにち is furigana that tells readers how to pronounce 今日

One other point that bears mentioning is that Japanese can be written in rows (left to right, top to bottom) or in columns (top to bottom, right to left). I’m currently under the impression that SwiftUI only supports the row-based text layout. For the moment, I’m going to focus on row-based layout and ignore column-based layout.

If you want to learn more about what I’ve described here, you could do worse than going to Wikipedia.

The next post will jump into the SwiftUI implementation.


A Situation Where It Makes Sense to Have Two Sources of Truth?

Don’t be fooled by the title. Writing code where a given value is stored in two different ways (in two different places) feels wrong to me too. But at the moment, it feels like solving my current problem with a single source of truth would result in more complex code.

Background; What am I trying to do?

In my ZoomBurst photo editing extension, currently the zooming and rotation effects use the centre of the image rect as the centre of the effect. For quite some time, I’ve been curious about what it would take to add the ability to allow users to specify a centre point for the effects. (My currently thinking would be to let users specify a single point to use as the centre for both zoom and rotation. But never say never…)

How am I Trying to Do it?

In broad strokes, two things need to happen to add this feature.

  1. add UI to allow users to specify the custom centre point
  2. CoreImage filters need to be updated to support effectCenter not being the same as imageCenter

For the UI, I’m adding an overlay marker to the output image. Users can change the centre by dragging this marker around. In swiftUI marker position is updated using the .offset() function in View.

I defined a @State variable to store the offset. It will be (0,0) at the top left corner and (imageSize.width, imageSize.height) at the bottom right.

    @State var currentOffset: CGSize = .zero

    func marker(inside size: CGSize) -> some View {
        return Circle()
            .stroke(.black, lineWidth: 10)
            .stroke(.white, lineWidth: 6)
            .frame(width: Self.markerDimension)

So far so good. However the CoreImage code cannot use this because imageSize will be different for preview output vs final image output. So the CombineOptions structure needs to store the centre value using a UnitVector size (ie height and width will be in the range [0..1])

While it’s technically possible to rely on the unitVector size value in CombineOptions, this would create the need for quite a bit of translating between [0..1] and [0..imageSize] First there is the value passed to the offset function. But there is also a surprising amount of logic to prevent users from dragging the marker off the side of the preview image.

     .onChanged { gesture in
         let proposedOffset = gesture.translation + baseOffset
         currentOffset = proposedOffset.validSize(using: markerRect)

    func validSize(using rect: CGRect) -> CGSize {
        if rect.contains(self.asPoint) {
            return self
        var result: CGSize = self
        if self.width < 0 {
            result.width = 0
        } else if self.width > rect.width {
            result.width = rect.width
        if self.height < 0 {
            result.height = 0
        } else if self.height > rect.height {
            result.height = rect.height
        return result

Should users be able to drag the marker so that it half off the preview image? (ie the centre is right on the image edge?) Or will they be ok only dragging the marker to the point where it is still entirely overtop of the preview image. All of this code requires adding and subtracting half the width of the marker view in a surprising number of places. The code to do this is much easier to understand if it all takes place in the [0..imageSize] domain, rather than the [0..1] domain.

I’m not saying the more complex thing couldn’t be done. But I was imagining somebody coming into this code 6 months or 6 years from now. I feared that the brain power to understand the code jumping between the two domains would beg the question… ‘why is this jumping back and forth between [0..imageSize] and [0..1] so much?’

In order to minimize the chance of the two values getting out of sync I created a single place in the code where one value gets changed, and it updates the [0..1] value. Come to think of it, this would be a good excuse to add a Psst comment explaining this conundrum to future me or anyone else that happens to have the good fortune to be reading this code in the future. Maybe even link to this post.

Another thought I’ve just had (and don’t think I have enough functioning neurons this late at night to properly tackle) is how would something like this fly in an environment where others are reviewing my code. I feel like there would be a (justifiable) tendency among reviewers to be skeptical of my decision to use two sources of truth. I also suspect my attempts to defend it would be more qualitative than quantitative. And I’m not entirely sure how it would be resolved. I’d like to think it would be more than just a battle of wills because I’m not a fan of battles of wills.


SwiftUI TextField Focus

When a new view gets presented on the screen (for example a password entry view) most of the time it makes sense to start with the focus in the text field. The keyboard should be visible and the user should be able to just start typing. Sure it’s a minor inconvenience to force users to first tap in the field, and then start typing, but heck we’re not savages are we?

UIKit’s UITextfield always had support for programmatically setting focus via UIResponder. [myTextField makeFirstResponder]

I get the sense this functionality has been gradually evolving in SwiftUI. I feel like the current implementation is more complex than the UIResponder model from yesteryear. I don’t want to sound like I’m grumbling here, and I feel like the complexity is needed to stay true to the SwiftUI model (composability, single source of truth, etc.) Having said that, I did need to iterate way more than anticipated.

The first piece is the @FocusState descriptor used to describe a variable in a View struct. There appear to be two ways to use FocusState.

  1. a Binding<Bool> type when there is a single View that either has or does not have focus
  2. a Binding<enum?> type where there are multiple views, and maybe one of them has focus, or maybe none of them have focus.

I should point out that the notion of focus here is broader than just text entry views. Any type of View and have focus, but the expected behaviour for focus in non-textEntry views is beyond the scope of this post.

Here is an example of how to use a Binding<Bool> FocusState

struct AddEntryView: View {
    @Binding var unsavedData: String
    @FocusState var addEntryHasFocus: Bool

    var body: some View {
        TextEditor(text: $unsavedData)
            .defaultFocus($addEntryHasFocus, true)

Here is an example of how to use a Binding<enum?> FocusState

struct PasswordView: View {
    enum PasswordField {
        case secure
        case regular
    @FocusState private var passwordField: PasswordField?
    @State var passwordText1: String = ""
    @State var passwordText2: String = ""
    let passwordExists: Bool

    var body: some View {
        VStack() {
            SecureField("Enter password", text: $passwordText1)
                .focused($passwordField, equals: .secure)
            TextField("Create a password", text: $passwordText2)
                .focused($passwordField, equals: .regular)
        .defaultFocus($passwordField, .secure)

Unfortunately, my use case is sort of in between these two implementation options. I only want one field, but sometimes I want it to be a TextField, and sometimes I want it to be a SecureField.

struct PasswordView: View {
    @FocusState private var passwordField: ????
    @State var passwordText: String = ""
    let passwordExists: Bool

    var body: some View {
        if passwordExists {
            SecureField("Enter password", text: $passwordText)
        } else {
            TextField("Create a password", text: $passwordText)

Since there will only ever be one field displayed, I naively thought I could just use the same Binding<Bool> var for both SecureField and TextField. Sadly those values just get ignored. So I need to use the enum approach, even there will only ever be a single field.

And just to add a bit of insult to injury, I wasn’t able to get .defaultFocus working. According to an Apple Engineer in the dev forums, I may have uncovered a bug. woo! All that to say, my next attempt looked something like this.

struct PasswordView: View {
    enum PasswordField {
        case secure
        case regular
    @FocusState private var passwordField: PasswordField?
    @State var passwordText: String = ""
    let passwordExists: Bool

    var body: some View {
	VStack() {
            if passwordExists {
                SecureField("Enter password", text: $passwordText)
                    .focused($passwordField, equals: .secure)
            } else {
                TextField("Create a password", text: $passwordText)
                    .focused($passwordField, equals: .regular)
        .onAppear {
            passwordField = passwordExists ? .secure : .regular

BUT, I encountered a life cycle issue. .onAppear gets called before the document gets loaded. In my case, the document contents determine whether to show the TextField or the SecureField. So I needed to replace .onAppear with onChange. So here’s an approximation of my final code.

struct PasswordView: View {
    enum PasswordField {
        case secure
        case regular
    @FocusState private var passwordField: PasswordField?
    @State var passwordText: String = ""
    @Binding var document: TurtleDocument

    var body: some View {
	VStack() {
            if document.passwordExists {
                SecureField("Enter password", text: $passwordText)
                    .focused($passwordField, equals: .secure)
            } else {
                TextField("Create a password", text: $passwordText)
                    .focused($passwordField, equals: .regular)
        .onChange(of: document.encryptedData) {
            passwordField = document.passwordExists ? .secure : .regular


Investigating SwiftUI Document-based Apps

My Turtle app is a document-based app (iOS and MacOS) was written a long time ago. The iOS version relied heavily on UIDocumentBrowserViewController for managing the documents. After a couple of years of neglect the document management was starting to have problems. The iOS version wasn’t able to create new documents. Also closing and saving a document seemed to fail about half of the time.

Eventually these problems made the app unusable enough that I started weighing my options on how best to get things working again. I first considered doing something incremental, focussing on specific issues with the iOS build and sticking with the UIKit based implementation.

But then I saw a WWDC video demonstrating how to get started building a SwiftUI Document based app. I felt some trepidation that there would be a lot of refactoring from UIDocument to SwiftUI’s Document. The UIDocument subclass included metadata that in hindsight was could/should have been UI state. The original implementation also includes complexity related to supporting one iOS target and one macOS target. Last but not least, Turtle supports two different document formats. (Legacy and Threaded) I’m positive I’ve done a bad job of structuring the code to support these two document formats. Moving to a SwiftUI DocumentGroup would require rebuilding this.

So despite all these reasons to stick with the messy UIKit implementation, I jumped into a SwiftUI implementation. While I still have some functionality gaps, on the whole this conversion has been satisfying and even fun.

Future posts will detail some of the issues I’ve encountered along the way.


How to listen for changes in an @AppStorage value

For my flash cards app, I’ve added a few user settings that I’ve discussed in other posts. For example, users can choose whether they want to use the same ask language for all cards (e.g. Always first show words in Japanese). They can also choose whether they want to use かな or Romaji for Japanese. They can also choose a subset of the cards they want to use (eg numbers, months/daysOfTheWeek etc.)

Any time one of these settings gets changed by the user, the app’s LanguageManager singleton needs to update the list of available words that match the settings. (for example, if a given word does not have a French translation and the user specifies fr as their only answer language, that card can’t be shown to the user.)

Strictly speaking, available cards could be recalculated on demand. (ie each time a user switches to a new card) But that would be suboptimal, given the available cards only changes when one of the settings changes. But in the spirit of saving cycles, I feel like finding a way to calculate available cards only when the value changes is a worthy cause.

For a starting point, I have the following code where the UI is setting the UserDefault value.

struct CardPickerView: View {
    @AppStorage("cardPile") var cardPile: CardPile = .allRandom
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Picker("Card Pile", selection: cardPile) {
                        id: \.self) { 

And the following code where LanguageManager updates availableCards

class LanguagesManager {
    static let shared = LanguagesManager()

    // The UserDefaults values that will impact which cards/words can be used
    @AppStorage("scriptPickers") var scriptPickers:  ScriptPickers = ScriptPickers.defaultDictionary
    @AppStorage("languageChoice") var languageChoice: LanguageChoice = .all
    @AppStorage("cardPile") var cardPile: CardPile = .allRandom

    // All the words
    let words: Words

    // The words that match the criteria
    var availableWords: Words

    func updateAvailableWords() {
        var result = words.filtered(by: cardPile.wordList)
        let askLanguages = languageChoice.askLanguages
        let answerLanguages = languageChoice.answerLanguages
        result = result.matching(askIdentifiers: askLanguages, answerIdentifiers: answerLanguages)
        availableWords = result

This code mostly works as expected, however when a user updates scriptPickers or languageChoice or cardPile, availableWords doesn’t get updated. <frownyFace!!> My first thought was to use didSet (like this)

    @AppStorage("cardPile") var cardPile: CardPile = .allRandom {
        didSet { updateAvailableWords() }

Sadly didSet on @AppStorage only works in very specific situations for me. Based on what I saw, it works if:

  1. your code is in a View
  2. you explicitly update the value (eg. self.cardPile = .all)

Your mileage may vary. Bottom line: didSet in LanguagesManager was not getting called for me.

It would have been possible to add calls to updateAvailableWords() in the UI code any time one of the related settings changed. But relying on the UI code to keep LanguagesManager fresh. Just. Felt. Wrong.

I also tried to use combine to subscribe to the @AppStorage values, but was not able to get that working. <anotherFrownyFace>

The solution I ended up using was to create a UserDefaults extension that would create a Binding<> for a specific UserDefaults key value. Anytime this value changes, it will fire a notfication.

extension UserDefaults {
    func cardPileBinding(for defaultsKey: String) -> Binding<CardPile> {
        return Binding {
            let rawValue = self.object(forKey: defaultsKey) as? Int ?? 0
            return CardPile(rawValue: rawValue) ?? .allRandom
        } set: { newValue in
            self.setValue(newValue.rawValue, forKey: defaultsKey)
   .userDefaultsChanged, object: defaultsKey)

extension Notification.Name {
    static let userDefaultsChanged = Notification.Name(rawValue: "user.defaults.changed"

Next, I used these bindings in the UI code where I’d previously been using @AppStorage.

struct CardPickerView: View {
    let cardPileBinding: Binding<CardPile>
    init(userDefaults: UserDefaults = .standard) {
        self.cardPileBinding = userDefaults.cardPileBinding(for: "cardPile")
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Picker("Card Pile", selection: cardPileBinding) {
                        id: \.self) { 

Then I updated LanguagesManager to listen for this notification.

class LanguagesManager {
    private var subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>()
    init() {
        // a bunch of unrelated init stuff....

        NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .userDefaultsChanged)
            .sink(receiveValue: { notification in
            .store(in: &subscriptions)

And this meets my needs, insofar as the UI code doesn’t need to explicitly fiddle with LanguagesManager state any time a user changes their prefs. I don’t like that the UI code needs to use this special binding to do the updating. I also don’t like that the UserDefaults extension needs to define multiple functions to return the different types of Bindings. If you all know of a way to get around this (generics?) I’m all ears!

I also don’t like that the getters and setters in the Binding values need to translate to and from rawValue. @AppSupport magically handled the translations between rawValue and encodedValue.

And one last problem with this approach, for at least one of my settings UI inplementations, calling the setter in the binding didn’t trigger an update to the UI. (it’s on my todo list to investigate this.) I got around this problem by adding a ‘dummy’ @AppStorage var in the View. Adding this dummy value seems to force the view to redraw when the UserDefault value changes.

    @AppStorage("cardPile") var cardPileDummy: CardPile = .allRandom

Flipping #*&$%@! Cards with SwiftUI

Despite the salty title this was a very low stress investigation. I wanted to find a way to use animation to flip my flash cards. There are many great sources to do something like this:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var angle: CGFloat = 0    
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("contentText: frontText")
                .rotation3DEffect(.degrees(angle), axis: (x: 0.0, y: 1.0, z: 0.0))
                .animation(.default, value: angle)
            Button("Flip") {
                angle += 180

Tapping the button in the above app will flip the card, and show an empty green rectangle. So how would I go about showing different (dynamic) content on the ‘back’ of the card? The idea I’m currently going with is to create a front content view and a back contentView. The back contentView begins pre-rotated, so that when the parent view gets rotated it ends up being the correct orientation,

        VStack {
            ZStack {
                FlippableContent(contentText: frontText)
                FlippableContent(contentText: rearText)
                        .degrees(180), axis: axis)
            .rotation3DEffect(.degrees(angle), axis: axis)
            .animation(.default, value: angle)
            Button("Flip") {
                angle += 180
struct FlippableContent: View {
    let contentText: String
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
        .frame(width: 300, height: 250)

This is close, but not quite right. It always only ever shows the FlippableContent view showing rearText (sometimes forwards, sometimes reverse). I experimented with different angles on the FlippableContents, however I’m not entirely clear on exactly how multiple 3d rotation effects get combined. Not my circus, not my monkeys I guess. Tho I’m definitely a bit curious…

To fix my problem, I’ve created logic that creates different opacity values for the front and back content of the card.

extension CGFloat {
    var rearOpacity: CGFloat {
        return (self / 180).truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 2)
    var frontOpacity: CGFloat {
        return 1 - rearOpacity

And these new functions get used in opacity modifiers in the ZStack.

            ZStack {
                FlippableContent(contentText: frontText)
                FlippableContent(contentText: rearText)
                        .degrees(180), axis: axis)

Now the view gets initialized with angle at zero, which shows the front text. When the user flips the card, angle gets increased by 180 degrees. This animates through the rotation, and hides the front face, and shows the rear face. On the next flip, the rear face gets hidden and the front face gets shown.


AppStorage part 2

Turns out this topic needs more than just one post. In part 1, I described how I was able to use AppStorage for an enum with associated values.

Here I will discuss a challenge I encountered when attempting to build the View to enable users to change their value for the languageChoice enum.

enum LanguageChoice: Equatable, Codable {
    case all
    case oneToOne(Language, Language)
    case oneToAll(Language)
    case allToOne(Language)
    case symmetricSubset(Set<Language>)

Step 1, create a version of LanguageChoice with no associated values:

    enum SimpleLanguageChoice: String, CaseIterable {
        case all
        case oneToOne
        case oneToAll
        case allToOne
        case symmetricSubset

Step 2, create a state variable using the new enum type and bind it to a picker:

    @State var languageChoice: SimpleLanguageChoice = .all
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Picker("Languages Choice", selection: $languageChoice) {
                ForEach(SimpleLanguageChoice.allCases, id: \.self) {

Step 3, add UI below the picker to display the appropriate controls to go with the value of languageChoice.

    @ViewBuilder var bottomStuff: some View {
        switch languageChoice {
        case .all:
        case .oneToAll:
            Picker("Ask in", selection: $language) {
                ForEach(Language.allCases, id: \.self) {
     // et cetera

Step 4, add an AppStorage var to get the persisted LanguageChoice value and use it to configure the Picker UI.

    @AppStorage("languageChoice") var persistedLanguageChoice: LanguageChoice = .all
    @State var languageChoice: SimpleLanguageChoice

init() {
     languageChoice = SimpleLanguageChoice.simpleChoice(for: persistedLanguageChoice)

Insert record scratch sound here! This code created the following compiler error:
'self' used before all stored properties are initialized

I wanted to use the persisted languageChoice to set up the UI to allow users to choose a new languageChoice. But doing this required reading persisted languageChoice, which was not allowed. Alas. So to get things to work I needed to set a default value for languageChoice in the declaration and then update the value in init. Just do this, right?

    @State var languageChoice: SimpleLanguageChoice = .all
    init() {
        languageChoice = SimpleLanguageChoice.simpleChoice(for: persistedLanguageChoice)

Nope. If you set an initial value for a State variable in the declaration, updating it in init gets more complicated. You need to do this:

    init() {
        _languageChoice = State(initialValue: SimpleLanguageChoice.simpleChoice(for: persistedLanguageChoice)