Go back to Day 2
Miracle Beach -> Quadra -> Miracle Beach

This was a day off, in that I was riding with an unloaded bike. But I still seemed to have a fairly ambitious distance goal. I had a couple of reasons to see Quadra Island. The tangible reason was to pop in to visit a friend, who I normally only see in Vancouver. It was great to see her place, which faces west and is right on Quathiaski Cove.
I also wanted to get a feel for Quathiaski cove as my grandmother lived there for an unknown length of time. The only detail I knew about this time was that she rowed her younger brother across the cove to get to school. I since learned from my mom that neither Janet nor Dave (the rower and the rowee) knew how to swim at the time. Yikes.

Am I looking at my grandmother’s route to school?
Before leaving Quadra, I opted to explore a bit. Specifically I wanted to see Rebecca Spit, where Steph and Ollie had recently put in on a 5 day kayaking trip. As an added bonus this ride could be done as a loop that would bring me past Aroma, a yummy bakery on my way back to the ferry.

I convinced myself I really should support the local economy. So not only did I get a yummy treat at Aroma, but I also got an order of fish and chips while waiting for the ferry.. Needless to say, I was well fuelled for my ride back to Miracle Beach.
Most of the way back to Miracle Beach I passed a farm selling mushrooms. I hummed and hawed for quite a while and then decided it was worth backtracking a few hundred metre to get what turned out to be amazing oyster mushrooms.

Once back at the beach I continued my tradition of ending my day with an ocean swim. I noticed the sandy ocean floor was peppered with mysterious black objects. It turned out there were sand dollars. Who knew they lived here?

I decided it was time to start heading back south. To be honest, at this point in the trip, I was not sure I’d be able to find a place to sleep on Saturday night. I worried I’d have to sleep in a ditch by the side of the road. Can you get arrested for that? Not sure. But plan A was going to be to try to get back to Rathtrevor…
Go to Day 4